ENC Business awards

Last week I attended the Enterprise North Canterbury business awards Gala. There were 7 businesses from Kaikōura who were finalists and attending the gala evening.. This was an award which I entered back in June… It was the first time I had made time to really get into the nuts and bolts of my business, write out realistic KPI’s (key performance indicators!) achievable goals both short and long term and budgeting projections for the next financial year.

The evening was a huge success to many Kaikōura businesses… I was very proud to be amongst them and with great surprise found myself the winner of the food and beverage section. I feel not only humbled by this accolade but also incredibly proud of myself and of what I’ve managed to achieve by myself over the last couple of years.

I really am living the dream that I yearned for a few years back, to have a good solid business foundation and gain an award in this area means I’m doing ok, it means I have managed to create a small business by myself that is working well, and I will continue to make, blend and create award winning story inspired gins from my little grassroots distillery.

Thank you Enterprise North Canterbury for

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