Last weekend I had the absolute pleasure of attending the Garden Marlborough garden party at the beautiful Auntsfield estate in Blenheim.
I offered to make one of my signature cocktails for the party the ‘woolshed southside’ and as it was such a hit thought I best add my recipe here so you can recreate this glorious refreshing easy cocktail at home over the summer

How to make the lime/mint syrup:
First make a sugar syrup, one cup water, one cup sugar, dissolve sugar over heat and reduce temp to simmer. Whilst that is heating up, peel roughly 12-15 limes, then cut limes in half and juice them all. Pick fresh mint from the garden a good double handful… strip leaves from the stacks and wash thoroughly.
When the sugar is dissolved, turn heat to simmer and add peel, lime juice and mint leaves.
Turn off heat, plop the lid on the saucepan and leave on the stove for 1-2 days. Taste and add more lime juice if too sweet, or if too bitter/sharp then make a very small sugar syrup (1:1 ratio) and add to mixture.
Wash and heat up your bottles to sterilise them then when cold pour your syrup through a fine mesh the into the bottles. This makes roughly 800mls. Bottles can be put into freezer to be used whenever or in fridge to be used over 2 weeks.
Enjoy x